I am going through another phase, knitting. It is much easier to knit while traveling than sewing. Taking sometime off from working, and amazingly I still run out of time to do many many things.
Big projects in the works, cleaning my horrible cluttered house and garage and oh ya, I got engaged and getting married this coming Saturday, March 26, 2011 in Forks, WA at the Kalaloch Lodge to my wonderful partner in life, Dale Bradley Rahier, can't wait to call him DH, dear husband or dale honey.... Its beautiful setting and yes, it is where Twilight Saga stories was based and I am a big fan of the books but more important, just a gorgeous place to get married. Outside, in front of the cabins off the bluff. Will take many many pictures, and yes, I do need to make our own quilt for our bed as a married couple. Any ideas? Its anybody reading this blog? I feel like Julie from Julie and Julia.